Nothing Interesting to photograph?

Every photographer has times when they go out to take pictures and they just can’t seem to find anything interesting to take a picture of. This is especially true if you believe that you live in a boring area and to take amazing and beautiful photos means traveling hundreds of miles. Well, what if I told you that you don’t need to live in the mountains or by the sea to take interesting and beautiful nature photos? There is beauty to found in places that appear to be mondain.

In the Midwest, where I live, I used to think that all I had was corn and bean fields. No one was interested in pictures of what was near where I lived. This held me back for so long as a nature photographer. One day I challenged myself to find something worth photographing at a local park I had hiked and biked for years. It was pretty amazing what I saw when I looked at this park through my camera. I got images that I never imagined possible at this location. Here are some examples:

Here is a place that I thought was boring and nothing interesting to take an image of. Go to a place near you and look at it as if it was your first time there. I can almost guarantee you’ll notice things that you had always overlooked. Try going at a different time of day, such as sunrise or sunset.

Also go when the weather is “bad”. Stormy, rainy, and foggy days can make for some amazing photography experiences. Go out today and find the beauty in the everyday and mondain!


Winter wonderland photography


The Beauty of black & white Photography